5 Reasons Why You Should Start Over
I wanted to start setting a schedule for myself and lay out my topics starting at the beginning of the year. However, this made me nervous as I am usually influenced by current events or I am led by what is going on around me. So I didn't like the idea but prayed on it. Let's just say God is speaking to me and laying many things on my heart. The latest thing has been why you should start over.
I had a dream last night that I was on FaceTime with someone, I do not know who this person was. All I know is that she was a brown skinned woman, who had her hair pulled back. In the midst of our conversation, we started talking about what we had going on. So for those who don't know I have a Master's in Social Work, but in December 2017 I started working on a Bachelors in Journalism. I told whoever the mystery woman was in my dream that and she hollered "What??!!". I laughed and said "Yea, it's something I've always wanted to do." Her response to me was, "Why would you start over?!" I do not remember anything after that.
The dream has been on my mind and heart because I feel like this is something a lot of people go through when they want to reinvent themselves or start over. In addition, to your own self doubt, others around you will question your decision making.
I'm writing this as encouragement to all those considering starting over:
I wanted to start over a pursue a different field, because writing is my passion. While I could have possibly fulfilled my dream without going back to school, I wanted to know the basics and be prepared for any and every opportunity.
Here's why you should start over:
1). You should start over because at some point you have to do what is best for you and to make yourself happy. How often do we put things off due to fear or timing? How many people do you know who regret not pursuing their dreams?
But honestly, starting over to pursue a passion or dream, to make your life better, to gain experience is something you should do and not feel guilty about.
2.) Starting over is better for you in the long run. Just as self doubt and fear weigh on you, so will regret. In addition, we never know what our dreams can turn into. Stop dreaming small. We're always concerned with why things won't work, but what if it does?! What if that business is successful? What if you meet your soulmate? What if your mental health improves? There are so many positives to starting over.
3.) Starting over is about your happiness and no one else’s. While my starting over came in the form of education and career, the same can be said for love and relationships. If you're not happy, why stay with someone and not have a peace of mind? Why not open your heart to love again? I know love hurts and it's so hard to put ourselves out there again, but what if you are missing out on a great person due to fear? Start over in love because you're worth someone respecting and loving you and you shouldn't hold that love inside of you hostage.
4.) It can be scary, but it will help you assess you situation in a new way. I know money is a major decision maker when starting over. I'm not telling you to quit your job without a plan or to take out a business loan and not be able to pay it back. But I am telling you to not put so much money on income and profit. If money is keeping you from starting over, assess your finances and see where you can cut back. Maybe try speaking to a financial advisor on how your dream or idea fits into your lifestyle or to help you figure out what changes you need to make. With this being said, when starting over, things are not going to be perfect. If you wait for that "perfect moment" when everything is in order, it may not ever happen.
5.)Last but not least, start over because you learn so much in the process. I think this is one of the things people fear most about starting over. The process. I'd be lying if I say going back to school after 3 years hasn't had it's challenges. But I've learned so much, even about myself. Once you start to see changes within yourself and others around you, you begin to embrace the change. The process really prepares and aligns you with your assignment.
I know this is easier said than done, but it's worth it.
So write than business plan, leave that unworthy lover in the past, enroll in school, write the book, do whatever it is that you've been wanting to do.
Why? Because you have the potential to make it happen! Fulfill your purpose!
The idea is there, you just have to water and feed it.
What area of your life do you need to start over in?